Thursday, December 30, 2010

Healthy chocolate pudding

My kids love this and it is healthy!! 

Patrick can't stand avocado

but he never gives up!

The end results are worth it, grin!

This pudding was made with avocado, spinach, maple syrup, vanillia, carob powder and water.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I started off by making this wonderful meal for the boys.  I would be lying if I told you that they both loved it.  Patrick was grossed out by all of it but ended up eating most of it, go figure.  David LOVED the meal.  He ate everything but did not want to drink his green juice, which was fine with me.
 Sauted brocolli, caulflower, kale, pepper and onion with seasonings.
 Grated sweet peppers, onion and zucchini with baba ganoush made into patties.  David LOVED this.
 NO MOM, I don't want this!
 I LOVE it mom!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's the KIDS TURN

I have finally gotten myself back into eating healthy all the time.  I am meditating frequently and breathing correctly.  I finally feel things loosening up and my body healing.  This is wonderful but I am also forgetting about other very important people, my KIDS.  Yes they are eating healthy, atleast to most other's standards but not to mine.  They don't eat most high allergen foods, eggs, dairy, chicken, peanuts, soy or corn but they do eat grass fed beef, natural turkey, salmon and tree nuts.  I let my children eat some wheat but we really do limit the amounts and try to use other whole grains instead.  This is not enough.  My boys don't like veggies and it's killing me.  The most important thing on the plate and they hate it.  How do I help them change this?  I do juice for them.  I try to do this once a day but I would like to see them eat veggies more often.  They don't like my smoothies and I can't say I blame them.  Patrick can't have bananas and that is imperative to a great smoothie.  It's time I try to find other creative ways to feed my boys more veggies and less meat and potatoes.  Join me on my journey while I post my findings and exciting pictures of the boys hating every moment of it until one day they wake up and say "mom where is my smoothie?"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Had to share one more

My life is filled with love and joy!!  How wonderful to be so blessed with two lovely boys and a great husband and father. 

Every day I wake up I remember why God put me on earth.  My job as a mother and wife is to make sure that my family is safe, loved, happy, healthy, and committed to our earth and helping others.

We are an organic family who has learned the hard way about unhealthy habits such as vaccines, junk food, chemicals, and environmental concerns. 

Today we continue to learn and share with others the importance of living a healthier lifestyle.  We hope that you will follow along and grow with us.  Hopefully we can all share stories and other's can learn from our mistakes and journeys.

I can' get enough

Always Finding Fun

I wake up every morning with a smile knowing that in just moments I get to see everyone's face.  Yes it is true that there are mornings were I just wish I could say, "go back to sleep, it was more peaceful before you woke"  but I refrain and charish every moment I get with my family.  Thank you God!

I See You David :)

My Boys!!