Saturday, October 18, 2014

What Are We Doing?

We are mom's, wives, friends, aunts, cousins, employees, bosses, entrepreneurs, nurses, cooks, maids, and the list goes on, but are we individuals anymore?  We spend so much time trying to be everything that we no long know who we are.  It's time that we women come together and make changes.  Not only for our families but for our selves.

I don't know about you but I have spent so much time going to school to become someone only to find out that what was the most important was what I had right in front of me.  When will we all learn to stop all the looking and searching and start looking at what is right in front of us and see  what we have to offer outside our jobs?

I'm not saying run out and quit your jobs.  We do need to remember that we have so much to offer to ourselves. Let's look inside ourselves and see that we are great.  We need to sit back and take care of us!

I have no idea how to tell you how to do that, so that is my mission.  I will take the time to rediscover who I am and where I want to go, alone and with my family.  I will be posting on this and showing my discoveries along the way.

Please feel free to join me on my search and add to my posts.  We can all learn together.