Thursday, December 30, 2010

Healthy chocolate pudding

My kids love this and it is healthy!! 

Patrick can't stand avocado

but he never gives up!

The end results are worth it, grin!

This pudding was made with avocado, spinach, maple syrup, vanillia, carob powder and water.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I started off by making this wonderful meal for the boys.  I would be lying if I told you that they both loved it.  Patrick was grossed out by all of it but ended up eating most of it, go figure.  David LOVED the meal.  He ate everything but did not want to drink his green juice, which was fine with me.
 Sauted brocolli, caulflower, kale, pepper and onion with seasonings.
 Grated sweet peppers, onion and zucchini with baba ganoush made into patties.  David LOVED this.
 NO MOM, I don't want this!
 I LOVE it mom!