Tuesday, September 13, 2011


To make my kids vegan!!  They are already dairy and egg free but it's hard to drop the meat.  I don't eat meat but I have a hard time preparing meals that are meat free.  We are going to finish up the meat we have in the freezer and then we will carry on as vegans :)  I need to gather recipes and learn to organize myself appropriately so they don't starve.  Obviously they won't be entirely grain free or they would starve.  I'm not sure if I should go 100% vegan or if I should keep fish in the diet and/or have meat once or twice a month.  It's so hard to make these decisions with your kids.  The goal is to keep them healthy so it's important that they get all of the nutrients for growth. 

School has started so the junk food is high on the list again.  I work at their school for a few hours a day and I can't believe the food that the kids are served.  My kids aren't allowed to eat the school lunch but it saddens me that people think that kids should eat this crap.  As for all of the other kids that pack, well let me tell you that now I know why our kids are having so many health issues today.  YUK and shame on all those parents who pack crap for your kids.  90% of the kids who eat at this school are eating processed junk!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gluten/Dairy free

My boys are officially gluten/dairy free and have been for a few months.  Now that summer is coming I plan to transition them into a grain, sugar free diet.  I'm curious to see if they will eat more veggies once I do this.  The transition was not hard at all.  I told D that I think this diet will help him with his speech and he never once questioned the new diet.   I suppose he really is having a hard time with people not understanding him, the poor guy.  The diet has helped with his speech a bit but more then that I have noticed that he seems to comprehend things better.  He has been struggling with colors and has finally caught on.  A week ago we went out of town and I broke down and let him have a sandwich with wheat and cheese (it's hard to adhere to the diet when you don't have a fridge or appropriate grocer).  Anyhow, I noticed that he is struggling with his colors again.  I find that very interesting. 
I plan to diary our findings as we move along.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Only a month late but this is the birthday boy and his homemade double
chocolate cake.  No, it is not healthy but it is his request:) 

My first homemade cake and they LOVED it.